Spirit Day

You’re Invited to Kickoff The

2025 Cherry Creek Baseball Season

With our Annual


Spirit Day

“Breakfast of Champions”


Saturday, March 1st

7:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

West Cafeteria - Outside

$10.00 per person


 Breakfast Burrito; includes milk, orange juice, and coffee.

*** Players & Coaches are FREE ***


Breakfast reservations must be made by Thursday, February 27th by midnight

 To make your reservation use the ORDER button below.



Welcome To the Program - Head Coach Joe Smith


2025 CCDC Fee Payment

Diamond Club Fee $400.00 - Online payments click here:

or checks payable to Cherry Creek Diamond Club or by Zelle (cherrycreekdc@gmail.com)

Arizona Spring Break Trip

Spring Break Trip Fee $1,650.00 (Varsity) -

Online payments click here: 

or checks payable to Cherry Creek Diamond Club or by Zelle (cherrycreekdc@gmail.com)



Paul Shepardson Photography

Text the access code CREEKBASEBALL2025 to 90738 to receive access and ongoing alerts or visit https://my.photoday.com/g/CreekBaseball2025 on your phone or computer.

Registrants will be notified when the Creek Baseball Gallery is open and ready for ordering. Once the Gallery is live, various packages, prints, and digital downloads will be available for purchase.



Hats and a limited number of Helmets and bags will be available for purchase during the event. Additionally, Creek Baseball Blankets and a Vintage popup store will also have classic Cherry Creek Baseball Jerseys available for purchase.

You are encouraged to stay until the conclusion of the Breakfast of Champions



Varsity vs Mountain Vista 10 am @ CCHS

JV vs Mounain Vista 1 pm @ CCHS

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